


Synonyms and Antonyms of NURSE

to attend to the needs and comforts of <willingly lent a hand to nurse his grandmother in her final years, helping her get from one room to the other and making sure she was warm>
Synonyms administer (to), care (for), minister (to), mother
Phrases do for [chiefly British], look after, look out for, look to, see to, take care of, wait on (also wait upon)
Near Antonyms brush (aside or off), forget, ignore, neglect, overlook, slight
to give milk to from the breast <a new mother's decision to nurse her baby>
Related Words bottle-feed
Near Antonyms wean
to keep in one's mind or heart <he continues to nurse a tender affection for his first girlfriend>
Related Words cultivate, foster, nurture, support, sustain; carry, keep, maintain, preserve, remember, retain, treasure; cleave (to), cling (to), hug, stick (to); brood (about or over), fixate (on or upon), obsess (about or over)
to treat with great or excessive care <nursed his sprained ankle for the rest of the week>
to bring to maturity through care and education <as foster parents they accepted and nursed 16 needy children over the years>
to help the growth or development of <her teachers did much to nurse her literary talent>
to use or give out in stingy amounts <he carefully nursed his energy during the marathon so that he would have something left for the final stretch>
Synonyms nurse, scant, skimp (on), stint (on)
Related Words dole out, mete (out), portion (out), ration (out); pinch, shortchange; conserve, preserve
Near Antonyms heap, lavish, pour, rain, shower


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